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What is a Form B and how do I get one?
What is a Form B and how do I get one?

BC real estate forms, Condos and stratas, what information do I need?

Bōde Support avatar
Written by Bōde Support
Updated over 3 years ago

So you are looking for a Form B? We bet that is good news!

You are in luck! Your Strata corporation can and should provide you with any of the paperwork and documents you may need upon request.

The Form B is an information certificate, it's purpose is to disclose important information to buyers and sellers about the strata lot and the strata corporation. It is very important to use the current version of any Form B as the province of BC updates these regularly.

Your Strata can provide you a Form B for around $40. Keep in mind, Stratas reserve the right to charge a rush fee if this document is requested with less than 7 days notice. Be sure to request this, as soon as you decide to sell your home to help save you money!

Only an owner, purchaser or person authorized by the owner or purchaser may request a Form B, most likely you will need to contact your Strata Property Manager or Strata Council to make this request!

The information required to be disclosed in the Form B is:

  1. The monthly strata fees payable by the owner

  2. Any amounts the owner may may in debt to the strata corporation for

  3. Any information pertaining to agreements or assessments and monies owing to the strata for alterations, common property or common assets.

  4. Any amounts the owner is or may be required to pay in the future i.e., Special Levy that have been approved prior to date of request by owner.

  5. Transparent release of Strata budget/expenses should expenses exceed budget within the fiscal year.

  6. The amount in the Contingency Reserve fund (CRF) less the expenses already allocated but not yet extracted from the fund.

  7. Amendments to bylaws that have yet to be filed with Land Title office.

  8. Any and all resolutions passed with a 3/4 unanimous vote that still need to be filed with Land titles.

  9. Any termination resolution that has been passed.

  10. Any notice that has been given for a resolution that has not been voted on, if the resolution requires a 3/4 vote, 80% vote or unanimous vote or deals with an amendment to the bylaws

  11. confirmation of any court proceeding, arbitration or tribunal proceeding, in which the strata corporation is a party and any judgments or orders against the strata corporation.

  12. any notices or work orders received by the strata corporation that remain outstanding for the strata lot, the common property or the common assets.

  13. The number of rental units within the Strat property.

  14. Any details regarding parking stalls, storage lockers allocated to the strata lot and their numbers

  15. Any other information required by the regulations.

The documents required to be attached to the Form B is:

  • the rules of the strata corporation

  • the current budget of the strata corporation

  • the "Form J: the Rental Disclosure Statement" if one was filed for the strata lot

  • the most recent depreciation report, if any

Additionally, the following may be required:

agreements under which the owner has taken responsibility for expenses relating to alterations to a strata lot, common property or common assets
- resolutions requiring a 3/4 or unanimous vote not yet voted on, or approved but not yet filed with the Land Title Office
- resolutions to amend the bylaws that have not yet been voted on, or bylaw amendments that are approved but not yet filed with the Land Title Office
- details of proceedings for court, arbitration or tribunals or orders or judgements involving the strata corporation
- outstanding notices or work orders for the strata lot, common property or common assets.

The above information any change with Provincial Legislation and is found at:

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